Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Books and More Book Stuff

Hello Friends in the Reading World!

You cannot believe how hard it was to find a title and a name and a page address on this topic that was not already taken.

That is why THIS blog is located at

I am eager to stay in contact with my reading friends and share what is happening in the world of words.

Part of my actual income is a free lance writer/editor through some online contacts, so your participation here helps me in many ways.

  • First, I get to find out about some super books I might not otherwise notice.

  • Second, I get to keep in touch with some folks who are really important in my life.

  • Third, I get to share some of what I am reading with some co-workers and friends.

  • And, last but not least, this becomes another avenue for my online income.

So, my friends, I thank you for participating. I invite you to sign-up to receive my latest posts as they go up. I invite you to comment on what you read here and on what you are reading.

This is not a formal book review blog. No. Sorry.

This is not a formal book discussion on a pre-planned topic. Again. Sorry.

If that is something you want to do together, please let me know and I can set up a different page for those purposes.

I will include links to some of my other sites and I will include Adsense and other ads in the margins. That is where the income is generated.

I will NOT share your email information with anyone else. I value your privacy and friendship too much to violate that space.

Tomorrow I shall enter some comments a book I am reading now.

Peace to you and welcome. This is my Peace blog.

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If I were to write a book about a rebellious prophet , one of my first choices would be JONAH. Just read the first chapter of Jonah in the O...