Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have you read LUKE CHAPTER 2 ?

The Christmas Story

It's a BOY!


Born in Bethlehem

Announced by Angels

Adored by Shepherds

He Came in Love to Be Love for all who believe. He came to serve and live among the ordinary people and teach them extraordinary ways of being and living. As he loved us he invites us to love him and live as he did with simplicity and humility.

painting by Dewey Full story found in Luke Chapter 2

sponsored message Spiritual Cinema Circle

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Running with the GIANTS

Running with the Giants is the book and the topic of Dr. John Maxwell's sermon on Saturday night at the Hour of Power.

The man is a power-full and entertaining motivational speaker and has a solid history of ministry in several church areas.

Imagine what you might learn from any one of 10 Biblical characters if they "ran a lap of your life today".

Messages from David, who was always viewed as less than adequate by those around him... Overcome the limitations others have placed upon you.

Maxwell's books have been translated into many languages and this one is available in a Chinese translation from Amazon!

I never cease to be amazed. This short and strong book will be a great addition to the library of a youth minister you might know. I plan to buy one for one of my nephews who is still searching for the meaning of life.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day in America

It is Election Day in America!

Did you Vote YET?
If not.

for what you believe.


Friday, September 19, 2008

You won't believe me if I tell you

That's true. You won't believe me if I tell you what I am reading now. That is partly why I have been away so long.

The Biology of Birds. Yes. It is a small paperback published in the 1960's. It is based on the content at the New York Museum of Natural History. Or perhaps the other way around.

Yes, THAT is the Museum in the movie. Yes, I have been there many times.
I did several reports from that particular exhibit and learned a LOT about birds during my college days.

Recently I wanted to know something more about feather structure, so I pulled out my old standby and started reading. I remembered how much I enjoyed it. So it is beside my bed now as I remember and relearn the biology of birds.

It is especially timely because I am building a blog about birds and birding resources. You might want to see it at

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jack London's SEA WOLF

When was the last time you read a classic? I mean by choice.
Not because it was assigned to you.

That is what I thought. Not often.

Sometimes I surprise myself. Last week I had a lot of time in a
waiting room with lots of people. The primary entertainment was
a HUGE big screen TV with DIVORCE COURT on the screen.
ALL Afternoon.

I was really glad I chose to carry a lightweight paperback edition of
The SEA WOLF with me. It was, as you may know, written in 1904.
Consequently, the language was often stilted and required my apt

The classic discourse between hedonism and humanism as told through
the narrative of the turn of the century seal hunters was actually quite
good. Gruesome and gory at times. But ever true to the topic and the, at
first, implausible characters attain credibility as the story progressed.

I was grateful to be called for my appointment because it gave me a break
from my heavy duty thinking and non-stop reading. And it was the appointment
that brought me to the waiting room in the first place!

Later that night, I proceeded to finish reading this historical novel.
I remembered it was on a high school reading list. I doubt I would have
appreciated it then.

Look at your bookshelf tonight for something you have not read in a long time.

Enjoy reading it as if for the first time. It may truly BE your first time.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Active Summer Reading for Organic Farms

Summer Action in the Potato Patch.

An organic potato patch, it requires DAILY inspection for Colorado Potato Beetles... in adult... larva... and egg form.

You won't be likely to find the pupa because that is how they spend the winter in the soil.

They begin their damage to crops, especially potatoes when they emerge as adults and WALK to the potato patch.

Their goal is to lay eggs and eat. Both the adults and the larva eat the stems and leaves of the potato plants. Though if pressed for food, they will also eat tomato,peppers, eggplants and even petunias.
You must be relentless and if you miss them, your potato crop will suffer.
Let your mantra be potatoes ... potatoes... potatoes...
So you will not be too distressed about removing all of those Colorado Potato Beetles in less than peaceful manners.
The more you see, the less peaceful you will feel.
Great resources and references for your organic field activity.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Archy shift-key free

My friends, if you have never read Archy and Mehitibel, you are missing something special in urban life. Written by Don Marquis and published first in 1987, it became a stage production.

I read it whenever I need to smile. Or smirk.
You see it is written entirely without capital letters. it takes some getting used to. but since archy cannot hold down two keys at once, he never uses a shift-key.
i want you to imagine how much easier life would be without capital letters.

also imagine reading a book written by an office dwelling cockroach.
and take some time out for social commentary and humor.
if you cannot find it locally, i know you can find it at amazon.
thanks. think of me when you read it. enjoy.
here is the link. . .

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lent and Recycling?

So what does Lent have to do with recycling?

Or Recycling with Lent?

Hear this tale and reconsider your preconceived notions of what they are both about.

There was a simple cross-stitch message hanging on a wall at Grandma’s house.

It was faded and had few colors but it was a treasure. The threads were from worn out sweaters from what seemed to be some ancient era.

The timeless message spoke of simpler days.

Use it up - Wear it out - Make it do - Or do without.

When sleeves or slacks needed to be shortened, the thread from the old hem was neatly wrapped on a cardboard strip, like an old matchbook cover, to be used again to make the new hem.

We kept a rag bag hanging in the hall and never used paper towels. I don't even know if they existed then. The braided rugs on our hardwood floors today were made by Grandma. Some of them have woolen strips from skirts I knew my mother wore. Grandma used the worn out woolen robes or slacks to braid them and make them strong enough again to be put back into useful service as floor coverings to keep the cold out.

We wasted less. We used and reused more. I grew up with hand tailored hand-me-downs. This has made me more appreciative of the things I have today.

This mindset keeps me closer to Earth and mindful of the blessings in my life.

Reflecting on how I re-use instead of dispose is a Lenten meditation. My life has been re-made and re-cycled many times. Others have sacrificed to make my life easier. I have sacrificed for others too. I am grateful for all of this.

As we move quietly towards Good Friday and the recollection of all that the Life and Death and Resurrection of Jesus means to each of us, I see an image of the bigger picture. Recycling is simply following the basic laws of the conservation of matter... everything is becoming something else. I see the Life-Death-Life cycle as a part of nature and recognize yet another facet of Lent.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

February Updates

With Lent just beginning. . .
and presidential campaigns in full swing. . .
who has time to read a book today?
Here is some news I found to share. . .

Monday, January 14, 2008

It is Time to Stop Blaming and Start Winning

Right. Now that sounds trite. But it is true.
Until each of us stops blaming someone else for whatever goes wrong
with our day, we are not going forward, we are looking backward and
dragging the past with us through each day.

You know, the past gets heavier with each passing day?
Of course it does because you have one more day added to it.

Here is my un official advice. Stop blaming. Start being responsible.
The basic laws of physics are clear here. For every action there is an equal response.
The quantum laws of physics define things in theory even better.

Looking at energy. The kind of energy you put out is the kind of energy you will receive.
So, you want blame? Go ahead and blame.
You want prosperity? Think about shifting your focus to more positive things.
And success can follow.
An attitude of gratitude supports success.

I have a newsletter that I call ThinkThanks and Act. You can see part of it online at or subscribe at .

If you are caught in a cycle of negative thinking, it might help.
AND it has marketing information and tools included for my internet marketing friends.

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

REMEMBERING a Great and Peaceful Man

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in
moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. —Martin Luther King, Jr.

In 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr received the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent Civil Rights activism in the USA. In 1968 he was assassinated. A tragic loss. For those of us who lived the day it will never be forgotten.

Learn more about him and his life and his Dream.

Do something today to demonstrate that his Dream is yours also.

Martin Luther King is an excellent example of how ONE person can make a difference. Live your life so you will too.

Be non-violent.

Monday, January 7, 2008

No Gills

Now here is a quote that gave me a start this morning. It is one of those stop in your tracks and wonder whether to laugh or shake your head in dismay sort of things. But when I looked up the author, it makes perfect sense and is his style of cynical humor.

Ambrose Bierce was a contemporary author with Mark Twain and Stephen Crane and was well known for his satirical or cynical views among his peers. I'd call it sardonic.(go ahead and look it up).
But this quote just fit so well for humans who see themselves as the end all and be all of all creation. I could almost hear him saying this on a fancy cruise ship full of self-righteous corporate CEOs on vacation(mind you, this is not type cast CEOs, just a touch of atmosphere).

The ocean is a body of water occupying about two

thirds of a world made for man (sic)---who has no gills.

Ambrose Bierce

I confess, that IS my type of humor. See more from Bierce, who may be too sharp tongued for your tastes.

A short story collection done with Twain and Crane.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

You need to read this

I have known Michael Dowd for several years now and have heard him speak and read his works many times.

So I share this "heads up" with you. Like a wake up call.

Thank God for Evolution is his newest book and it comes with high praise and cogent social commentary.

If this book doesn't end the science and religion war,
it's certainly a MAJOR step in the right direction! See the video trailer for the book by clicking on the image to the right. or here.

I would say more but I am going now to READ this book.

Rebellious Prophet - Jonah

If I were to write a book about a rebellious prophet , one of my first choices would be JONAH. Just read the first chapter of Jonah in the O...