Friday, December 29, 2006

Okay So What Else am I Reading?

Well, I have been working with a friend to edit a manuscript for publishing.

The book will be available in March from Cloverdale Books.

It has been a fantastic project and believe me I have read it more than once!

is written by Patricia M. Berliner
who has done the original research and
proposed some excellent models for clinical application
of particular interest to those in the counseling profession.

I am not at liberty to say much else about it yet, but
Watch for it.
It is worth your time.

Women's spirituality is an essential part of living fully in our world today.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Believe it or NOT.

Believe it or NOT. The book I am actually reading right now is:

PLR Profits
The Newbie’s 16 Day Guide to Private Label Rights Success

This 75 page book is authored by The 2PLR JV Team.

I just purchased my copy for $7.05 from Denise Hall. They are having a nickel sale. The price goes up five cents every hour, or every purchase. So, if you are interested in a genuine bargain that is honestly FULL of useful information about how to use Private Label Rights as a foundation for your new business,

You can use the link in the title above or click here to go to the correct page for access.

You probably already know this is a really specialized topic. The first three pages are simply the disclaimers that the team has made regarding their production. And then nearly every page has some sort of promotion built into it.

Nonetheless, if you are seeking a fairly thorough outline for getting started in a new and very popular field, this ebook is very helpful. I skimmed through the sections that are not new for me and went right to sections I need to know more about. Now That is a feature I really like. I can get what I need without wading though a lot of gibberish.

There still are some specifics that elude me, but with a bit of trust, I can go to one of their forums or help desk to find out those specific How-to's.

They make it clear that not everything is spelled out in detail. Good grief it would be too long a book.( and of course they could sell another one with THOSE details in it!)

Anyhow, this is an area of great interest for me and I have been satisfied with materials from Denise Hall in the past, so I took the huge leap and will read this and begin to work with it this week. They also have a membership program built in with the purchase, so a solid support system is readily available.

So, ask me in a few weeks how this is going. I will surely let you know.

Oh, I did NOT intend for my first book comments to sound like a commercial. It just so happens that THIS actually IS the book I am reading right now. I guess it is continuing education for me.

How about you? What are you reading?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Books and More Book Stuff

Hello Friends in the Reading World!

You cannot believe how hard it was to find a title and a name and a page address on this topic that was not already taken.

That is why THIS blog is located at

I am eager to stay in contact with my reading friends and share what is happening in the world of words.

Part of my actual income is a free lance writer/editor through some online contacts, so your participation here helps me in many ways.

  • First, I get to find out about some super books I might not otherwise notice.

  • Second, I get to keep in touch with some folks who are really important in my life.

  • Third, I get to share some of what I am reading with some co-workers and friends.

  • And, last but not least, this becomes another avenue for my online income.

So, my friends, I thank you for participating. I invite you to sign-up to receive my latest posts as they go up. I invite you to comment on what you read here and on what you are reading.

This is not a formal book review blog. No. Sorry.

This is not a formal book discussion on a pre-planned topic. Again. Sorry.

If that is something you want to do together, please let me know and I can set up a different page for those purposes.

I will include links to some of my other sites and I will include Adsense and other ads in the margins. That is where the income is generated.

I will NOT share your email information with anyone else. I value your privacy and friendship too much to violate that space.

Tomorrow I shall enter some comments a book I am reading now.

Peace to you and welcome. This is my Peace blog.

Rebellious Prophet - Jonah

If I were to write a book about a rebellious prophet , one of my first choices would be JONAH. Just read the first chapter of Jonah in the O...