Monday, January 7, 2008

No Gills

Now here is a quote that gave me a start this morning. It is one of those stop in your tracks and wonder whether to laugh or shake your head in dismay sort of things. But when I looked up the author, it makes perfect sense and is his style of cynical humor.

Ambrose Bierce was a contemporary author with Mark Twain and Stephen Crane and was well known for his satirical or cynical views among his peers. I'd call it sardonic.(go ahead and look it up).
But this quote just fit so well for humans who see themselves as the end all and be all of all creation. I could almost hear him saying this on a fancy cruise ship full of self-righteous corporate CEOs on vacation(mind you, this is not type cast CEOs, just a touch of atmosphere).

The ocean is a body of water occupying about two

thirds of a world made for man (sic)---who has no gills.

Ambrose Bierce

I confess, that IS my type of humor. See more from Bierce, who may be too sharp tongued for your tastes.

A short story collection done with Twain and Crane.

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