Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Most Unusual Birding Guide

Pete Dunne's Essential Field Guide Companion:
A Comprehensive Resource for Identifying North American Birds

is most certainly the most unusual "birding guide" I have encountered outside of historical research materials. It has no pictures. It is truly designed to be a companion to your field guide not to serve as one.

I loved exploring this endearing book. The man thinks like I do! He birds like I do! Holistic approach, he calls it the Cape May School of Birding. Perhaps it is.

I see it simply as a broad brush view of the entire scene, the habit, the habitat, the flight pattern, the colors, etc. No one taught me to do that. But if I get a copy of this book for my own use, I will surely seek the author's autograph in Cape May County, New Jersey!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Holy Discontent

What is YOUR Holy Discontent?
Bill Hybels spoke at the Hour of Power tonight. It was powerful.

You can pick up a copy of his book at Amazon from the sidebar on the right.>>>

Listen to your heart. What is it that you JUST CAN"T STAND ANYMORE??
And what will you do about it. Moses went through it. David went through it.

In popular times... POPEYE went through it to rescue his beloved Olive Oyl.

Bill Pierce went thru it to found World Vision to feed starving children.

Bill Hybels is wrecked when he sees dysfunctional or dying churches. He seeks to build
churches built on the model of the early church in Acts 2.

The message is strong. and when YOUR Holy Discontent is stirred and you must do something, will you be prepared. Pick up the book. or Go to Hour of Power. to see the presentation.

I have confirmed my holy discontent and will act upon it tomorrow. See my blog.

Saturday, January 17, 2009



by Suzette T. Caldwell

What do you say when you pray?
What is the purpose for praying?
Since the Lord knows what we need before we pray, why pray at all?
These are questions that have been asked over the centuries.
Praying to Change Your Life
will answer these questions and more.
This exciting must read book will help to demystify prayer
and empower the believer to pray prayers that produce results.

I just heard her speak at the
Hour of Power on America's Televised Church.

Click on the image of the book to link to her website to order this book.
I do not get a commission on it . It is simply something worth doing.

See also the prayer for our nation and video of her presentation.

Rebellious Prophet - Jonah

If I were to write a book about a rebellious prophet , one of my first choices would be JONAH. Just read the first chapter of Jonah in the O...