Right. Now that sounds trite. But it is true.
Until each of us stops blaming someone else for whatever goes wrong
with our day, we are not going forward, we are looking backward and
dragging the past with us through each day.
You know, the past gets heavier with each passing day?
Of course it does because you have one more day added to it.
Here is my un official advice. Stop blaming. Start being responsible.
The basic laws of physics are clear here. For every action there is an equal response.
The quantum laws of physics define things in theory even better.
Looking at energy. The kind of energy you put out is the kind of energy you will receive.
So, you want blame? Go ahead and blame.
You want prosperity? Think about shifting your focus to more positive things.
And success can follow.
An attitude of gratitude supports success.
I have a newsletter that I call
ThinkThanks and Act. You can see part of it online at
http://bydpb.wordpress.com/ or subscribe at thinkthanks@aweber.com .
If you are caught in a cycle of negative thinking, it might help.
AND it has marketing information and tools included for my internet marketing friends.